
UDA Framework for Effective Realization of SAGAR vision | A Highl Level Dialogue | 26 Aug 2020


UDA Framework for Effective Realization of SAGAR vision | A Highl Level Dialogue | 26 Aug 2020


The Maritime Research Centre (MRC), Pune in association with the Centre for Advance Strategic Studies (CASS), Pune organized a webinar on the 26th Aug 2020, titled “Underwater Domain Awareness (UDA) Framework for Effective Realization of the Security And Growth for All in the Region (SAGAR) Vision”. The event generated significant enthusiasm among the stakeholders to participate and evolve a strategic framework. The focus of the deliberations was to encourage pooling of resources and synergizing of efforts towards ensuring a Safe, Secure, Sustainable Growth in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR).

The panel members included:

a) Amb Vijay Gokhale, Former Foreign Secretary Government of India.

b) Amb (Dr) Mohan Kumar, Chairman RIS, New Delhi.

c) Air Marshal Bhushan Gokhale (Retd), Director CASS, Pune.

d) Vice Admiral A R Karve, Former CinC Indian Navy.

e) Prof Bimal Patel, DG Raksha Shakti University (RSU).

f) Cmde Rajan Vir (Retd), Founder Indian Maritime Foundation (IMF), Pune.

g) Cmde Sudhir Singh, Director (D&ISA), Ministry of External Affairs, GoI.

h) Dr(Cdr) Arnab Das, Founder & Director MRC, Pune The panel members were unanimous in endorsing the relevance and the urgency of the UDA framework as proposed by MRC
